Home » Who are IT specialists: how to study and what profession to choose

Who are IT specialists: how to study and what profession to choose

The activities of IT specialists are related to information technologies. People who know little about this area may think that an IT specialist is capable of programming, creating a website, reinstalling Windows, and removing viruses from a computer. In reality, everything is not so simple. There are many professions and directions in this area.

Who are IT specialists?

IT professionals are a hong kong whatsapp number data broad field that includes hundreds of professions that are interconnected by interaction with digital technologies.

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Who are IT specialists and what do they do? Web developers, testers, programmers, system administrators – they all represent the field of information technology. To make it easier for you to understand who works in the IT field, let’s look at how the preparation and launch of any project takes place here using the example of creating an application.

Planning . The first stage involves the cooperation of a large number of people: producers, product managers, project managers, HR managers, various analysts and other specialists. They define the target audience of the application, study the current market, conduct competitor analysis, plan the product implementation time and its budget, organize team interaction, create technical assignments for performers and perform many other tasks. All this happens during planning.

Development . After the first stage is completed, the actual work on creating the application begins. Development specialists, web designers, programmers, QA engineers, UX copywriters and IT engineers join the process. These people work on the development: they create a beautiful. And user-friendly design, write code and ensure that there are no errors or failures.

 At this stage specialists in marketing

SEO optimization, social media promotion, targeted advertising and sales join the enhanced measurement events project. Their task is to make the application known to the target audience.

All projects in the field bw lists of information technology include the work of many IT specialists. Therefore, both people with a mathematical mindset. And humanities can choose a profession to their liking here.

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