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Enhanced Measurement Events

The advantage of these events is that they come pre-configured. E eliminating the need to configure these tracking manually, making implementation easier and ensuring that. S  you don’t miss out on important data. Even some of them, such as internal search tracking, allow you to configure them from the Gtag tag manager integrated into GA4.

You can find out more about these events at:

Recommended events: where the ‘chicha’ is One of the biggest benefits of GA4 is its list of recommended events, which Google has specifically designed to capture relevant data in various business contexts. These events are divided into. A  several categories depending. F  on the type of activity you want to measure. Some key examples are:

Events applicable to any business :

‘Login’, ‘sing_up’, ‘select_content’ and many others that capture essential and common interactions on any website.
Ecommerce and item events : ‘purchase’, ‘add_to_cart’, ‘view_item’, and a whole collection that allow detailed tracking of purchasing behavior and interaction botim database with products in ecommerce, but are practically applicable to any business that wants to track its “items”.


special data

Lead events : ‘generate_lead’, ‘qualify_lead’

Working_lead’ and several more that are essential to measure the acquisition of potential clients and the work that is then done on these contacts.
Game Events – ‘level_up’, ‘post_score’, ‘tutorial_begin’ and more how to execute content marketing? content marketing in five steps details that are designed to capture specific interactions in gaming applications.

Implementing these events allows you to not only capture data relevant to your type of business, but also – as we will see below – benefit from GA4’s automatic features, such as reporting and creating audiences based on these events.

You can learn more about these events at:

Recommended events Custom events Despite the wide. D range of pre-built events that GA4 offers, your business likely has specific. E  the recommended events. This is where custom events come into play. You can create events that fit the. S specifics of your business, such as a `pre_sing_up` event to capture a pre-registration snbd host process before a user completes. S  formal registration (`sign_up`). This customization allows you to capture data that is crucial. A  to better understanding what your users want and how they interact with your digital assets.

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