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While building a pilot website,

It was available for public review and feedback. She also attended local Drupal meetups to promote the redesign while scouting for talent. As Lauren admits, these approaches “make it easier to hire great people because they can see what’s going on.” The message is clear—join our team and your talents will be used to improve services in your community—which Lauren considers a “major selling point” for attracting top talent to government.

Discover people’s talents.

To discover the natural, often underutilized talents, start by being curious about the talent around you. Sean Hume, Assistant Director of the New York State Office of General Services, is a recognized “observer.” He’s curious about what people are thinking and where their interests lie, which helps him understand how he can best utilize them.

Sean’s approach to discovering people’s

Talents ties into his strong desire to avoid assembly line processes. When teams that perform transactional work operate like an assembly overseas chinese in europe data line, silos naturally develop, and Sean says the result is that “people don’t learn, grow, or care.” Regardless of grade level, he wants everyone on his team to understand the entire process and end product, and he accomplishes this by involving people in all parts of the process.

special data

This approach allows him to identify

Areas where individuals excel and enjoy. Connecting People to Opportunities. Once a talent magnet as discovered a talent in another, he or she automation and b2b: how can it help you? will look for opportunities to leverage that ability. When Jim Spencer of the Connecticut Department of Transpor rich data tation was appointed to lead the new Photolog division, he accepted the challenge of not only updating their outdated Photolog technology, but also combining it with geospatial technology.

Knowing that Photolog and database

Technology were not his areas of exp. Jertise, he appointed two team members who were willing to take on a period of time to take on leader. Jship roles in this initiative. Combining the improved Photolog imagery with the GPS data collected cr. Jeated an extraordinary resource that was available to the entire department and external groups. Look. Jing back, this experience changed Jim’s perspective on leadership. Because he was assigned to lead a large ini. Jtiative where he did not have comprehensive expertise, he had to “look at the big picture and und. Jerstand the capabilities of those around him.

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