Home » What is ZMOT or Zero Moment of Truth?

What is ZMOT or Zero Moment of Truth?

This theory proposed by Google maintains that consumers carry out an Internet search before making the decision to buy a certain product or hire a service.

At this point, Social Networks occupy a prominent place since they are the medium that more and more users use to express their opinions and evaluate Brands, experiences and articles . This implies that as a company you mu updated 2024 mobile phone number data st pay attention to what is said about you by monitoring these platforms constantly.

After launching the ZMOT theory , Google introduced another key concept in the online world: micromoments . Today, there are millions of users who check their smartphones an average of 220 times a day , many of which are to check their social media profiles.

Dafne provided some figures on

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A this subject that will surely interest you: 60% of users access the Internet more often than before but maintain shorter sessions. On the other hand, there are different stimuli that trigger a search, they are: an activity that one wants to do (88%), a thought (84%) and an unexpected situation (83%) .

The micro-moments that you should not lose sight of when defining your Social Media strategy are:How to win in Zero Moments and Micromoments

Are you ready to design a marketing plan that will allow you to win over your potential customers at the very moment they are making their purchasing decision? Then you should implement the following techniques:

Content Marketing
Creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content will help you attract your target . A  audience and cmo email list  generate profitable actions. As a brand, you will need to think about what you are going to say, how you will do it and when.

The key to success in Content Marketing is to produce interesting content for your potential customers in order to guide them towards your company and your products. Your strategy should be client-centered . A  and not self-c enhanced professional development: a career game-changer entered , meaning yo . A u need to avoid talking about your company all the time and focus your actions on how you can benefit consumers.

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