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What is a brand and what is its value?

A trademark can be a word or their combination, a symbol, a letter, a number, a drawing, an emblem, a slogan, a spatial characteristic of the product itself (image, packaging, shape, color) that marks and helps distinguish a product (service) belonging to one person or company ) from goods (services) belonging to another person or company.

A brand is one of the elements of marketing and advertising

A brand with a good reputation brings many benefits female number data to its owner. Trademarks began to be us already in the Middle Ages. This was necessary in order to mark and distinguish between the goods of artisans and merchants. The emerging marking of goods simplifi production and trade accounting and controll low-quality goods. Some of the brands still in use are over 100 years old.

special data

The main function of a brand is to identify the source of the product

A brand is like a language that manufacturers use to communicate with consumers. Sometimes brands become so famous that no one invest in testing tools uses the name of the thing anymore, it is enough to say the sign and everyone understands what it is about, for example, Merces, Coca-Cola, Maxima, Akropolis, etc. These brands are so well known to people that they don’t even think anymore that Merces is a woman’s name and Acropolis is a historically significant place in Greece.

A trademark often acts as an identifier for the anonymous source of a product

Consumers know about the product but powder data cannot tell the name of the company that owns the mark. So, often companies change their company’s original name to a brand name. The second function of the trademark is to ensure the quality of the product (service). If the consumer is satisfi with the quality of the product (service), then he will want to buy the same product again in the future, so it is important to ensure that he receives the same quality.

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