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We love infographics or the 5 most interesting August infographics

And I’m here again with a regular dose of “pictures” – info graphics.

1. Infographic How electricity costs have changed over the past 12 years

This month we focused more on gastronomy – salmon, beer and fruit… However, there will also be Czech infographics about changes in electricity costs over the la oman whatsapp number data st twelve years or about the quality of life in our country. Take your pick!



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The price per kWh increased by 129% from 2000 to 2012 . Average annual costs rose from CZK 7,264 to CZK 14,797, i.e. by 106% , while the average monthly wage i boost your b2b marketing, a brief guide ncreased by only 90% . Compare more electricity data and read some quick tips on how to save on electricity.


2. Why eat fruit infographic
In the summer, we certainly consume the most fruit of the whole year, often straight from nature. With this infographic, familiarize yourself with what our trees an loan data d shrubs have to offer, and focus on the fruits that have the ambition to significantly improve your particular health condition. Do you want to maintain good eyesight or firm skin, increase bone mass or build resistance to infections? So don’t forget to eat (enough) fruit!


3. Infographic 7 reasons to eat salmon

Salmon is also very beneficial for us. It reduces the risk of depression or cardiovascular diseases and much more. You won’t find it in our waters, but it is certainly already commonly available in better stores. You can even get it freshly delivered at farmers markets.  See for  yourself that such a purchase is worth it!


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