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Universal professions for people without experience and education

You can find a salon that hires people without experience. You will need to provide a certificate of completion of courses (some companies train their employees themselves). In addition, you, of course, need to have a desire to develop in this area. You will acquire a client base, all consumables, materials and can count on a good salary.

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Working in this field, you need to have good denmark whatsapp number data health and good physical shape. The advantages of the profession are maintaining the body in constant tone, a good salary. For example, a storekeeper working in St. Petersburg earns about 35-40 thousand rubles.

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Sales Manager
Fitness centers, banks, and small advertising agencies often hire people without experience. However, you need to have good diction, a rich vocabulary, perseverance, stress resistance, and quick learning ability. The advantage is that you will receive a percentage of sales as an addition to your salary. If everything goes well, you can achieve the position of department head. The salary of a manager in large cities is at least 40-50 thousand rubles.

Call center operator
There is quite a high turnover of staff here. You do not need to have complex skills to work in this position. You need to be stress-resistant and speak well. In addition, you should not be afraid of cold calls. It is important for a call center operator to remain calm even if the client is impolite and rude.

If you are currently unemployed but have

he means to complete a yoga instructor training, this is a good option for a lifestyle change. Once certified, you will have the opportunity to build a the ease of creating reusable career as a yoga teacher, which includes traveling practices, seminars, and good earnings.

Car Washer
You don’t need to have any cmo email list complex skills for this kind of work. At the same time, the salary level is quite high: according to hh.ru, car wash workers in Moscow earn at least 50 thousand rubles. You just need to be neat, active and diligent.

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