Types of careers are distinguish depending on the employee’s goals and place of work. The classic concept of career growth is associat with a vertical type of professional career, but there are many other classifications.
How to develop? Career development is influenc not only by work experience, completion of advanc training courses and length of service. Motivation, a correctly chosen strategy and decisions taken are no less important.
The concept of career
A career is a move up the career ladder. In a broad sense, it is a successful implementation of one’s knowlge and skills. A business brazil whatsapp number data career is a narrower concept. It means not only the implementation of skills, but also advancement in the activity that a person is engag in. However, many people do not have a clear idea of what a career is and how it differs from work.
The concept of career
The concept of career
Work is work that can be done over many years while remaining at the same level.
Career is constant development, improvement of professional skills, promotion, salary increase.
Professional and intra-organizational types of careers
There are two main types of career: professional and intra-organizational.
A professional career is characteriz by several
stages of development that each employee goes through:
Preliminary how to save on clothing purchases stage (up to 25 years) . At this stage, a person is only preparing for professional activity. He decides on the area of interest to him.
Formation (up to 30 years) . The person is already employ and mastering his profession, developing the corresponding skills.
Promotion (up to 45 years) . The employee has achiev a high level of development and self-realization.
End of life (over 60 years old) : The person is preparing for retirement, trying to cmo email list find and train younger employees who can replace him.
Pension (after 65 years) . at this stage a person is no longer engag in work activities, but pays attention to other activities.