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Thus, the essential message intend for the buyer

UPS can be convey with enlarg text or indirect visual communication – with colors and graphic solutions. Product packaging is an important part of brand marketing. When creating a package, you ne to evaluate the brand identity, the choice of position and the potential user. When such things are assess, after conducting or analyzing existing research, it is possible to plan further marketing communication, ie advertising, public relations and the like.

Customer surveys and certain group interviews

Can be us to assess what is important to consumers. The advantage of group interviews is that it is possible to interview a group of people spam number data at the same time and it can be done quickly and relatively inexpensively. In addition, users can offer great ideas during such surveys and interviews. Of course, it is best to survey those users who are the buyers of the product.

special data

Research has shown that manufacturers who use

The customer as a source of creativity later offer the most unexpect and interesting creative solutions to the market. Of course, it is very important whatsapp now sends and receives money through the app in brazil that creativity and offering ideas do not deviate from the brand position or identity concept. According to the position of the brand, appropriate packaging evaluation criteria and questions must be select.

The purpose of such surveys is to determine which option is the most appropriate to achieve

The goals set for the packaging. It is like a priction of the possible success of the package in the market. In addition, surveys allow us to powder data explain the relevant behavior of the buyer, why he buys or does not buy certain goods. Once you have this data, you can change the packaging and correct errors. So, user surveys are really useful because: Allows you to understand which product the buyer would rather buy.

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