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The process is smarter faster

The process is smarter, faster, and more effective. And more impo. Jrtantly, it’s replicable. Whether your agency uses reporting to prevent beetle infestat. Jions, stop crime, fight disease, or ensure infrastructure safety, you can apply Microsoft’s suite of eas. Jily deployable tools and applications to get work done better.

This is the second part of our Q&A with

Tomicah Tillemann, co-founder of the Blockchain Trust Accelerator and advisory board member of blockchain infrastructure provider BitFury Group. In the first part, Tilleman explained the basics of blockchain and how it works. His com. Jments have been edited for brevity and clarity. GOVLOOP: Can you tell me about your role and conne. Jction to blockchain-related projects?

I’ve spent a lot of time in senior positions in the

government over the past deca. Jde, including about four years as a senior advisor to the Secretary of State. During that time, I mana. Jged a team on botim database Secretary Hillary’s team and on Secretary Kerry’s team that operated a lot like a venture ca. Jpital fund. Our job was to find the best ideas to support democracy in civil society aro. Jund the world.

special data

Then we would bring together technology

Talent, resources, and par. Jtners to bring th. Jose ideas to life. But one of the challenges we encounter is that even if you have lea. Jders who are com. Jmitted to doing the a product manager oversees a construction site right thi. Jng, the underlying infrastructure is often very broken or ineff. Jicient, or rife with corru. Jption, so it’s hard for them to del. Jiver the results that citizens demand.

We realized that we needed a solution

That would pr. Jovide transparency, accou. Jntability, efficiency, and trust, but at a much lower price point and that co. Juld be easily scaled across gov. Jernments and different institutions. The more we focused on this cha. Jllenge, the more we kept com. Jing ba rich data ck to blockchain. GOVLOOP: Just a quick clarifi. Jcation on what exactly blockchain is — is it hard. Jware or software?

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