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Rank Brain Rank Brain was introduced in

intent’ of a query rather than looking for precise keyword matches. It is not so much an algorithm change as it is a specific tool that Google uses and that relies on machine learning in order to properly understand the content of websites and the precise meaning of search terms. Between this and Panda, keywords became far less straightforward.

They’re still important yes but now

so too is using synonyms for those keywords, natural vietnam phone number data language surrounding the keyword, and using the exact keyphrases subtly. Today, the most common advice is to use keywords with a density of around 1-2% density. That means one or two keywords for every 1-200 words. I personally recommend going even less. Meanwhile, the use of synonyms and related language is what’s known as ‘latent semantic indexing’. It’s also important to think about the placement of your keywords.

Phone Number Data

A keyword used in the first few sentences

in the header, in the footer etc. all carry more weight than the best chinese mobiles: the top10 a typical keyword used anywhere else in the copy. Rank Brain is constantly evolving, using huge amounts of data to better understand what users respond well to. And that doesn’t just mean keyword use, it also means that you need to offer deeper, more meaningful content. The recommendation among many creators is to aim for content that is anything from 800 to 2,000 words long.

This should include links out to other useful sites to act as japan data references (I highly recommend linking out to research and studies if you are writing a scientific piece) and it should include images and charts, and bullet points. Rank Brain also brings even tighter focus onto UX (user experience). Using its machine-learning chops, Rank Brain can look around your site as though it were a real person and it can decide what makes for a good experience and what makes for a bad one. So even if you have great content.

Rank Brain will penalize you if your site is poorly laid out, or if that content doesn’t use a nice readable font with big headers. The Bottom Line is this – write good, quality content that people want to read! Sharing is caring! You may also like: Why is Related Content not showing up? Why is Related Content not showing up? shareaholic . Written by Paul · Categorized: WordPress Online Strategy Reader Interactions Comments Doug says January 28, 2018 at 11:53 pm Wow, that is a lot to digest. I will have to come back and read it a couple more times and see what I can do with AMP. Reply Paul says January 30, 2018 at 9:47 am Mobile is really important, Doug! Let me know if you have any questions.

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