Home » Prestige of a profession: how it is formed and what it influences

Prestige of a profession: how it is formed and what it influences

The prestige of a profession is important for a person’s self-determination, but this concept includes not only the fashionability of a particular direction, but also a number of other factors. Of course, you can often hear that prestige is determin by money, but this is far from always the case.

What does it depend on? Formation of prestige is a complex process that depends on the external environment. In Soviet times, the professions of teacher, doctor, engineer were very popular, while in modern Russia there are completely different priorities.

To determine the status of work in society, sociologists introduc the concept of the prestige of a profession. With the help of this term, it is easy to build existing work niches into a certain hierarchy. The criteria are the responsibility and complexity of the work, the ne to have a special ucation and high competencies to perform their professional duties, the level of payment, the importance of the company itself in which the person works.

What is the prestige of a profession?

What is the prestige of a profession?
For some reason, most australia whatsapp number data people believe that the prestige of a profession does not depend on the people who work in this field.

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In fact, there is a mutual influence of one on the other. If you take the food courier service, this work is consider hard and low-paid, so mostly students or migrants work here.

Sometimes a situation arises when the profession

itself is in high demand and ga4 recommended events could become prestigious, for example, work as a doctor, teacher, rescuer, police officer. But at the same time, the salary level in these areas of activity leaves much to be desir. Or cmo email list poorly train specialists work in these places, or their superiors give them inadequate instructions. As a result, the prestige. Of professions in society noticeably falls – they seem to be respect, but not to the full extent.

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