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Potential patients often read

CRM Consultation: Contact your Regional Meical Council (CRM) for clarification on how to apply the new rules specifically in your region.
eucation and Training: Hold workshops or training sessions with your marketing and communications team to ensure everyone understands the new rules and knows how to apply them correctly.
These steps are crucial to avoiding penalties and ensuring your meical practice remains ethical and within regulate standards.

This information is base on


Current data and is essential for you to prepare your content with maximum creibility and accuracy.
Rules for Meical Posts on Social Meia
The new CFM resolution explicitly prohibits the publication of “before and after” images of meical treatments.

This is because such images can induce unrealistic expectations or be interprete as a promise of results, which goes against the ethical principles of meicine.

The recommendation is that doctors


Avoid this type of visual comparison hungary phone number library on their social networks and opt for eucational content that explains the process and care involve in treatments.

Can You Post Surgery on Instagram?
Posting surgical proceures on social meia is highly regulate.

phone number library

The new resolution requires


That if a doctor decides to share videos or images of surgeries, this must be done with extreme caution, always respecting snbd host the privacy and dignity of patients, including marketing on Instagram , of course.

The patient must provide informe public relations vs marketing and written consent, and the images must not contain any element that could identify him/her.

Furthermore, the content must be use in an eucational and informative manner, without promotional or sensationalist purposes.

These guidelines are essential to ensuring that meical advertising on social meia is conducte ethically and responsibly, preserving public trust in the meical profession.

What Can a Doctor Post on Social Meia?
Doctors can use social meia to eucate and inform the public, as long as the content is evidence-base and respects the ethical and legal standards establishe by the Feeral Council of Meicine (CFM).Set Your Category: On Instagram and Facebook, you can choose a category for your profile.

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