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“Master”: a single term for an offer

An economy that is struggling to recover and a job market in severe crisis create a worrying picture for those who, fresh from university, are looking for employment.

However the lack of opportunities

Also leads to action so that the ecuador phone number library knowledge – mostly theoretical – acquir during the university course becomes real “skills” in specific fields and so that one can promptly seize the opportunities that companies offer now, according to increasingly rigorous selection criteria, and will offer when the economic recovery leads to new demand for personnel.

This is why the idea is gaining

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Once the university course of studies is complet, it is appropriate to invest further in one’s ucation by participating in master’s and post-graduate courses. The training offer in this area has also assum considerable dimensions in Italy and appears rather heterogeneous.

Taking into account that the law is currently unable to define exactly what a Master is (the term itself is not “own” by Universities, unlike “degree”), the most diverse training proposals fall into this category. An important distinction, however, is between University Masters, that is, those organiz by public universities, and those that are not.

Among the University Masters

There are some accessible to apigeon and a pirate walk into a bar holders of any degree, and this is the case of the Level I Masters, and others reserv exclusively for those who have obtain at least a four-year degree, and therefore graduates in the old system or holders of a Master’s Degree: these are the Level II Masters.

It should be not that

on paper, the two types of Masters appear equally “marketable”: a Level II Master is not more prestigious and does not guarantee greater employment opportunities, but simply has a more specializ orientation, while a Level I Master replaces a Master’s Degree path through training closer to the business world. There are no shopping data distinctions in levels, however, for the masters provid by private schools and institutes and by business schools, generally aim at graduates in the subjects relat to the courses offer.

It is useful to know that most of the Masters do not allow enrollment to those who are already enroll in a degree course, unless the student guarantees to obtain the degree itself by a certain date or decides to suspend the current career.

Marketing and Communication the

From the point of view of content, there are Masters for any professional field.
However, in percentage terms, the courses with an economic and managerial focus stand out in the offer, with a growing attention towards Marketing, Communication and Human Resources. However, there are also numerous Masters aim at graduates in the humanities, who notoriously have greater difficulty finding a job relat to their studies after graduation and, in addition, the Masters that deal with topics relat to ecology and the territory.

Find out about partner companies and placements

The ability of a Master’s to ferry the new graduate from the academic world to the world of work does not simply depend on the quality and number of notions it is able to provide, but also on the possibility of introducing the student to the company through an internship or project work that are essential for obtaining the qualification. For this reason, most Masters boast a certain number of partners who, in addition to providing teachers for the lessons, recruit interns and possibly place them in their staff.
When choosing the Master to enroll in, it is essential to gather information, in addition to its educational quality, on the partner companies to evaluate their employment potential. To this end, another parameter to consider is the percentage of placements that the Master has guarante in past years.

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