Home » Article » Marketing behind the scenes of Ecomail. Come to Kafe and marketing with Jakub Stupka

Marketing behind the scenes of Ecomail. Come to Kafe and marketing with Jakub Stupka

How does marketing work on the Czech e-mailing platform Ecomail and what are its strengths and weaknesses? This will be the main topic of the February Kafe and Marketing. Tune in online from the comfort of your living room on Tuesday 2/23 from 6 p.m. This time, the guest of the live stream is the co-founder and operational director of Ecomail, Jakub Stupka .


Gradual branding and marketing of Ecomail

“We want to grow gradually and without the help of an investor,” says Jakub Stupka, who makes sure everything works at Ecomail. How did the founders manage to build a successful start-up and in what ways have they proven to strengthen the brand? The moderator of the event, Josef Řezníček, has more than the south africa whatsapp number data se questions ready for Jakub. What else will we learn?

What is product-driven marketing – as oppos to product-driven marketing?

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How was the new itor for marketing automation creat and what can it do?
What are Ecomail’s competitive advantages and how many users does it have in the Czech Republic?
Why does it make sense to organize offline events and how to stand out from other exhibitors at conferences?
Ecomail’s goals and relat projects
Jakub Stupka likes to do things his way, even if sometimes it m boost your b2b marketing, a brief guide ay not seem like the best way. He co-found Ecomail in 2015 with the aim of creating a platform for small and mium-siz entrepreneurs that will enable them to do smart and functioning e-mail marketing even without the help of an agency or a team of speci powder data alists. How was this goal achiev and what further improvements does Ecomail plan for the future? This will also be discuss at the Coffee and Marketing event in February.

What are you interest in? Prepare questions for Jakub Stupka

In the first part of the broadcast, the guest is traditionally. Yinterview by the moderator of the event, the second part is a discussion and belongs to you, the viewers. You can send questions in ad vance to [email protected] or write them directly during the broadcast in the comments under the video (either on Facebook or YouTube).

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