Among the content formats within B2B, the podcast has been gaining relevance in recent years and more and more people consume this format since it is convenient, fast and you can listen to it at the same time as you do 500 other different things. As of April 2021, there were a little more than 2 million podcasts around the world and 48 million episodes published. Why so many? It is a format that is not expensive. All you need is a computer or smartphone , the use of some programs (we will talk about it later) and a topic in which you consider you have enough expertise to contribute something different to your audience. The reality is that there are podcasts and podcast listeners on almost any topic you can think of.
As of April 2021, there were more than 2 million podcasts around the world and 48 million episodes published.
What is a podcast?
Podcasts took the basic concept of radio but combined it with the “episode” segmentation of television programs. Initially they were known as “audio blogs” until 2004 when they earned their name and created a trend that seems to be increasing. Although in Spanish it is still a growing area, it won’t be long before podcasts reach the numbers they reach in markets such as the United States , for example, and that is why they should be considered within a B2B marketing strategy.
Technically, a podcast is an audio file
Usually an MP3 – hosted on a platform dedicated to this format such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or Spotify. This way, it is available for anyone to listen to when, where and how they want. Unlike radio, there is no such thing as “I missed today’s show” because podcasts are available for the user to decide when to listen to.
On the other hand, you choose to listen to what interests you. Just search through podcast hosting and distribution apps and you are sure to find something that suits your taste and interest. These apps also allow your audience to subscribe to receive notifications every time a new episode is available.
Podcasts must maintain a constant specific database by industry frequency when it comes to broadcasting new content that users find useful to satisfy the reason why they are listening to said podcast.
The podcast in B2B marketing
This communication format another crucial task is developing can also allow you to go further in your B2B marketing strategy because there is a huge number of listeners. While in Latin America and Spain the explosion of this format is big work beginning to be seen, in the United States 50% of the population considers themselves fans of podcasts.
Podcasts allow you to create content that fits the needs of your audience, providing them with valuable and educational information. Being able to fill that transit space between the office and home or when they go out to exercise can result in customer loyalty that would not otherwise occur.
Since listeners choose what to listen to, podcasting in B2B can help you and your brand become recognized as influencers and leaders in a given sector.
Infographic: Where are podcasts successful?
Step by step to create a podcast
Choose a topic and name
You need to think about where you can add value to your audience within your industry. While there may be one general topic, you can find subtopics for specific and highly segmented audiences. However, you should consider having enough content to keep the podcast up to date. For example, within marketing, you can make a podcast that talks specifically about content marketing or SEO. These topics will attract much more specific audiences than a podcast series about marketing in general and will probably help you attract much more qualified potential consumers.