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Keyword stuffing is when you try to get Google

to rank your site for a certain keyword and you go way overboard in inserting the keyword into your text to the point where it becomes unreadable… “Welcome to this buy hats online website! Looking to buy hats online? Buy hats online here!” It sounds funny, but people were really doing this! All those sites that were guilty of so brazenly manipulating Google’s algorithms were punished – sent right down to the bottom of the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

This actually destroyed some businesses and many

people were very angry at Google as a result. But in Google’s uk mobile phone number data defense, it had always told site owners to ‘write for the user’ and not to ‘write for Google’. Penguin Penguin targeted spammy techniques focussed around links. All those sites that had created hundreds of thousands of links on low-quality sites were penalized.

Phone Number Data

Fortunately Google also presented a

links disavow tool’ that site owners could use to disassociate japan data themselves with low-quality links. Google emphasized the importance of quality links, over quantities of links. In other words, if you get a link from the BBC, then it will be worth infinitely more than 1,000 links from Ezine Articles. Simply because anyone can get links from Ezine Articles and a link from the BBC is a genuinely impressive testimony.

The best way to think of this now is as a game of ‘degrees if we are lucky enough of separation’. Certain sites have much more clout than others. A site with a .edu domain, or a .gov will have a lot of authority and trust to begin with. Likewise, sites that come up in Google’s news section also must carry a lot of influence. If you can get a link from one of those sites, then this could change your fortunes overnight. But failing that, you can try getting a link from a site that has a link from one of those sites.

Failing that? Get a link from a site that has a link from a site that has a link from a site that has lots of authority and trust. In other words: get as close to the most influential brands in your niche as possible to reap the major rewards. Pirate Pirate focussed on stolen content and copyright breaches. About time too! In 2017, another update called ‘Fred’, reinforced this by penalizing sites that were violating Google’s webmaster guidelines.

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