In this context, when adopting home office, your employees may feel a little lost without close communication and without this set of practices determin by the corporate culture. Therefore, in the current scenario, it becomes the tool capable of maintaining, and even improving, the productivity of your team even during a time of crisis.
5. How to disseminate and strengthen corporate culture in the home office?
There are some actions that can be taken to help strengthen the corporate culture of working from home . It is very important to take them into consideration, as they can define the success or failure of the migration to this work model and the viability of good management of virtual teams . See what they are:
Value the team’s virtual social interaction
make sure you have italy email list the right structure for video conference meetings;
invest in the efficiency of your company’s internal communication .
As you have seen throughout the text, organizational culture is essential to maintaining productivity while working from home. It is responsible for keeping the team motivat and overcoming the challenges impos by the pandemic.
And since video meetings have now become more. Common than face-to-face meetings, how about downloading the e-book. Guide to making successful presentations ” to help with your video conference presentations?
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