Home » IT professions: list, requirements for specialists, options for obtaining education

IT professions: list, requirements for specialists, options for obtaining education

T professions are in demand today more than ever. Digital technologies are constantly evolving, which not only increases the demand for experts in this field, but also regularly creates new, previously non-existent specialties.

What to pay attention to? The list of IT professions is very large, there are dozens of them at the moment. These are programmers and testers, system analysts and web designers, database architects and game developers. It is quite difficult for an unprepar person to navigate this list, but we will try to put everything on the shelves.

Main functions of IT specialists

The abbreviation IT stands for the English phrase Information Technology.

This is a general name for all areas of activity relat to the creation, storage, processing and use of electronic data. IT specialist is a concept that gives a very rough idea of ​​the type of occupation of a person. About the same can be understood from the statement “I have something to do with micine.”

The speaker may be a doctor, an belgium whatsapp number data insurance company employee, or a pharmacist. There are many professions relat to IT, and their list is constantly growing.

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Main functions of IT specialists
Main functions of IT specialists
IT specialists include those who create new programs, those who understand the structure of computers, and those who are able to establish the smooth operation of a large number of machines connect to a network. Conventionally, all those employ in the field of information technology can be divid into several groups:

Developers and testers designers and engineers

Representatives how is seo performed with al of these IT professions are engag in the creation of software, launching websites, applications, digital services and other products.
System administrators, DevOps , high-level developers and other IT engineers . They solve problems relat to the creation and maintenance of the company’s information infrastructure.

A professional who cmo email list is responsible for how an application or website will look to the user. Responsible for the “cover” of a digital product, develops the interface.

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