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It is important to understand for yourself

Why the higher than market price is offer – is it only because the services are resold. Or are other additional nuances offer. Such as higher quality or a much faster production period. The prices offer by website manufacturers often differ significantly. But in this case it is worth focusing not only on them – it is much more important what services are offer for the specifi amount. Vaiva MICKUVIENĖ, the founder of the agency MARKETINGO VALDYMAS, says that people are often tempt by a lower price, but they don’t find out what exactly will be done.

Our work experience shows that customers

Who have paid up to €500 for the creation of a website receive. Just a few programm buttons and then have to put together all. The necessary rich people number data information themselves. In such cases, it’s not even worth talking about design, internal. SEO work or writing unique texts, so you also ne to take care of the performance of these works yourself, which takes a lot of time and in the end result, the website costs much more than if it were bought immiately with all the work.

special data

However, a higher price does not always mean

A higher quality either – we have had clients whatsapp now sends and receives money through the app in brazil who even paid several. And sometimes even tens of thousands of euros for the creation of a website. Got a similar result as if they had paid much less money – sometimes they did not even have such a website mobile versions”, V. Mickuvienė shar her experience.

Such companies usually

Do not create websites themselves, but powder data simply resell the work done by others with their own markups. Companies that resell website development services usually do not think about website functionality and do not take into account Google’s requirements, therefore, when choosing the most suitable partners, you should ask which specialists will work on the development of your website.

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