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Indoor sports: mixes are popular but there

What’s new in the gym. After years of disciplines with unpronounceable names, we’re going back to basics and the trend is favoring pure sports, even if the appeal of exotic mixes continues to be strong.

This is the case of Zumba

An explosive mix of aerobics, rumba, salsa colombia phone number library and Latin American rhythms. This activity, in addition to being very fun, helps burn excess calories by toning critical areas.

The techno alternative is Batuka, which combines Latin rhythms with contemporary electronic sounds and typical martial arts moves. In this case, all the muscles in the body are trained and excess weight is lost in a very short time.
For those who want to improve balance, resistance and power, the ideal is to sign up for a Functional

Fitness course

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which borrows from everyday life the movements that are performed most frequently, transforming them into exercises that anyone can do.

This activity is in fact particularly suitable for those who do not have an athletic preparation and want to approach the sport gradually.
For those who are looking for a complete and more relaxed discipline, but no less effective, Yoga is always in vogue, on the crest of the wave in our country, albeit with alternating phases, for almost forty years.

Pilates is losing ground

in its place comes Piloga, a mix between yoga and Pilates that accentuates the dynamism of Yoga through the execution of movements that help strengthen muscle tone.

And if the goal is to work on successful online marketing when you have a business the glutes and hips, nothing better than signing up for a Kilates course, which includes very simple exercises but aimed at toning and firming critical points in a short time.
After years of oblivion, Spinning is back in the spotlight, the indoor sport to be practiced on an exercise bike in a group and to the rhythm of music.

An exciting activity that

strengthens motivation and gives surprising results on the whole body. Finally, the latest news concerns the growing demand for athletic preparation aimed at carrying out a specific sporting discipline.
What was once a necessity for professional shopping data athletes is now also becoming a requirement for those who, for amateur purposes, want to improve their performance in their favorite sport.

The most effective alternatives to step

The first is call Rebounding and is practic by performing small jumps on a special elastic mat. With this discipline, balance and coordination are improv and all the muscles involv in the jump are ton. The second is Spiderap and is practic by wearing a special belt equipp with elastic bands that has the function of allowing an absolutely non-traumatic execution of the movements for muscles, tendons and ligaments. In this case, all the muscle groups involv are ton without excessive loads on the joints.

This year, Aquagym gives way

to a series of alternative activities with a high level of fun. We start with Woga, which is nothing other than Yoga practic in water. The exercises are perform standing or sitting on the bottom of the pool with the help of a series of supports. For martial arts lovers, Wai-chi comes along, which borrows moves and positions from Tai-chichuan. In this case, since these are slow movements that aim to improve concentration, the pool water is heat. Much more dynamic is Water-boxing, which combines Aquagym exercises with some typical boxing techniques, even if no contact with the hypothetical opponent is foreseen.

Aquatic boxing improves the performance of the cardiovascular system by toning the muscle tone of the entire body.

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Category: Health, Sport
Tags: Wellness information, Sport
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