Home » If the resource cannot cope with an artificially creat traffic surge

If the resource cannot cope with an artificially creat traffic surge

Hangs, or stops loading, then we are dealing with a load bug; Performance failure. Performance drops due to the size of the application, consuming a lot of memory and energy; Logical errors – appear if IT specialists have not taken something into account, forgotten. As a result, the program may work, but not meet the user’s requirements. What does bug report mean? Image by macrovector on Freepik. Severity and Priority Rating for Bug Reports These evaluation concepts are important for the design of bug reports.

The first attribute indicates how much

The failure can affect the work in the application. The gradation includes five levels, the most serious is the presence of a blocking bug (S1), in which female number data the product does not start at all or produces errors. The most harmless level (S5) is trivial, not affecting the quality of work (for example, an insignificant typo). Priority is a kind of hierarchy according to the spe of correction of defects, taking into account its danger.

special data

It is divid into criteria:

High, requiring primary attention, correction; Average, subject to correction when the problems with the first position are resolv ; Low – can wait invest in testing tools his turn. In projects, attributes are often combin or prioritiz . To build the hierarchy correctly, some teams contain a document indicating which and when exactly the priority should be appli . Otherwise, experience and coordination in the work of specialists will help, since it is important to understand what is more important for a given product. Bug report template.

Reports may have some differences depending on the company, project, but the items that must be includ are:

Field name Content Description (or Title) A concise outline of the problem Playback path Listing the steps that lead to the location of the error material data Result in fact Picture after playback Expectations What was expect , as plann in the technical specifications Location of localization Where was the error? Additional attachments Screenshots, png files, logs Additional information These may be the tester’s explanations. Executor Bug report formatting rules Creating a useful, understandable report takes experience.

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