Home » How to replace the screen of an iPhone 6, and the battery at that – Step-by-step tutorial

How to replace the screen of an iPhone 6, and the battery at that – Step-by-step tutorial

The screen of an iPhone 6 is, in principle, something robust and proof of exhaustive use on a daily basis, and of course something that should not break due to a small blow . But this idea does not take into account theclumsyhow careless some of us are and how many times a day we can drop our precious iPhone.

A bad fall in a certain

Position and without a mobile phone protector can cause the screen to break and our smartphone to be useless until we fix the screen and can use the iPhone normally again. Of course, next time we will be much more careful when we play the fun game of throwing our mobile phone in the air, or go skydiving while taking selfies…

> Mobile phones with the most breakdowns and faults

Steps to follow to change the screen of the iPhone 6
We remove the Thor screws that are insertd into the chassis and hold the screen in place (see video for more details).
Once the screws have been removed,  tool betwe greece telegram data en the screen and the.

Telegram Data

Chassis to separate these components

Once the screen is lift, we will have to remove the plate that is best mid-range mobiles 2018: our top  locat at the top right of the iPhone and remove the 5 screws that hold it in place. Once this plate is remov, we will have to disconnect the 3 flex cable cg leads s that connect to the screen in order to remove it.

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