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How to post on Facebook

Facebook is not like an advertisement or a website that can be left “idle” after it is creat. It is something that nes to be fulfill , updat and kept in regular activity. How often is it regular? That depends on you, according to your time and the availability of new content and ideas. A good rule of thumb is to try to update your profile every few days – at least once a week, although more is better.

What a successful post looks like

If your business sells food or products, high-quality images accompani by short , engaging text make for very successful Facebook posts. And how do you write posts that get responses? Bet on simplicity . And interesting . And don’t be afraid to celebrate success – but not too often. Just like in life, you don’t want to brag too much here.

You can also share links on your Facebook profile . These vietnam whatsapp number data  can be links to your blog posts or specific pages on your website. Or you can share links to other businesses and other topics that are somehow relat to your industry. Always include a line or two of text to let people know what you’re sharing and why.

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Most often (in 75% of cases) companies share images , as you can see in this chart. Follow by links (10%) and statuses (4%).


Average interactions per post can be seen in the follo position your brand as an authority in the market wing figure. The more fans the page has, the greater the success of the post, which the graph captures nicely.


Social Bakers further reports that photos still drive the loan data  most action . And that they really have an ge over other types of content, they occupy the vast majority (87%)!


What kinds of posts to publish

When thinking about what to share on your Facebook page, first think about what your Facebook fans are interest in , what problems they have, and what content you would be best able to communicate with them. Aim to post a variety of content including photos, comics, links to relevant videos or infographics, statistics (about something important to your fans) or thought provoking questions that can spark debate among them, and all sorts of relevant surveys, etc.


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