Home » How to Design a Great Landing Page for your Google Adwords Campaign

How to Design a Great Landing Page for your Google Adwords Campaign

Think about including a main image. While it is possible to create a landing page without one, pictures can be very effective tools of communication, so in most cases we would recommend it.

Think about what kind


of pictorial imagery would best represent your services to the enquirer.

A balance struck between professionalism and friendly approachability may work best if you are selling to consumers. You’ll want to appear thoroughly competent but not unaffordably expensive.

If you are selling to other businesses, the question of what kind of image denmark phone number data works best could depend on the nature of

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the trade. You’ll want the look to be professional and recognisably in keeping with the norms and customs for your industry, whether those are more formal or less so, but also on some level outstanding and impressive beyond the impression your competitors’ imagery achieves.

Where you do include a main image, it should be above the fold, whether standing on its own or as the background to text.

Think about your main copy. You will probably need a catchy heading and some pithy but effective sales text to represent your products or services. Both should be above the fold.

The primary purpose


of your main copy should be a call to action. It is recommended to include encouraging imperative verb forms such as ‘buy’, ‘get’ or ‘order’, and words that convey a sense of immediacy or urgency, such as ‘now’ and ‘today’.

Consider the layout of the above-the-fold section of the page. Your main copy might in some cases work over the top of the main image (but in that case, make sure the contrast is adequate, choosing white text for how to register a free domain dark backgrounds). In others, it could sit underneath or alongside.

If you feel it would help with trust-building and conversions, develop some secondary copy to display lower down the page than your main call to action, taking care not to visually clutter the important above-the-fold part of the page.

Your secondary copy may consist of a series of subheadings thailand data each followed by a brief descriptive paragraph, or could be a simple bulleted or even numbered list.

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