However, with the strong ne to scale and grow, blitzscaling also helps everyone focus on what really matters, leaving aside concerns that are not relevant to the business.
The blitzscaling strategy is completely disruptive and can generate some fear in most entrepreneurs. Accelerat growth requires rounds of investment, increasing the number of employees at each stage.
The concept is most widely appli and recommend
For companies in the technology lebanon email list segment, startups and venture capital organizations. However, the strategy highlights actions that can be appli to any business. It is entirely possible, and even recommend, to analyze the advantages of blitzscaling that can be us in any type of business.
One point that was mention in the previous topic is to focus the work on solving problems that are truly necessary and crucial. Often, a company at a normal pace of growth focuses its efforts on issues that may inde be problems, but are not necessarily essential to receive attention at that moment.
This issue of priority is easier to understand when the phases of the strategy are explain. At the beginning, in the first stage, the attention of those involv is on creating a good solution, even if this does not require thinking about scale (at that moment).
A great example of what we are talking about now is Airbnb
The company, which is how to create and issue retail electronic invoices now a global leader in hospitality, does not have a single hotel. The idea was totally disruptive and broke with what was known in the adb directory hotel market until then. However, to reach today, the company went through blitzscaling phases.
To ensure that the business would be successful, following the model that had been creat, the company’s owners, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia, decid to visit users register on the platform to understand.