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Discount servers: extracting money from customers?

post of world number onThere are more than a hundred discount servers in the Czech Republic. But what are the most common tricks they use to get the deal done?

This year, the discount server operators are said to be hit by a crisis. It will be due to high competition. In addition to the operators of “discount machines”, entrepreneurs will also decide how to proceed, who will fight for their customers’ money this year as well.

The are over a hundred discount

servers in the Czech Republic. At least according to the Skrz.cz server, which monitors this niche. The business model of the discount server has already been described many times. Nevertheless, we will briefly repeat it.

The operator of the discount server persuades the merchant to advertise his products or services with them. The merchant must provide a discount on his assortment. The principle here is that the higher the discount, the more attractive the offer is for end consumers. Czech customers hear the word DISCOUNT. It doesn’t have to be only pensioners who fight for discounted sugar in hypermarkets. It will cause a similar frenzy in people with above-average incomes, who will fight with others “virtually” for a piece of chatter in the form of a discounted restaurant voucher. However, in order for this to happen, the offer must be piecewise and time-limited. If, for example, a restaurateur placed a voucher for two with a ten percent discount and valid for two weeks on a discount server, he would not do much business.

Therefore, the rule for successful sales on discount servers applies. Big discount, short time required for purchase, sufficient number of free vouchers. The operator of the given turkey phone number data server will certainly be happy to help the merchant with the mixing of these ingredients with discounts. If not, the owner of the discount server still has a lot of catching up to do to stand up to strong competition.

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However, nothing is free

The how is seo performed with al merchant pays the server a commission on each voucher sold. The discount server is entitled to a commission when it sells a predetermined volume of cz lists products or services. The commission is based on the price of the discounted service or product. The usual amount of commission is around 25 percent.

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