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Development can proceed according to a strict schedule

Product development can be carried out linearly: using the Waterfall method . In this case, all stages and deadlines are defined in advance and it is quite difficult to make changes to the plan. Another approach is flexible planning using the Agile method . This includes, for example, Scrum and Kanban . These methods allow for prompt change management, and they work better in situations of uncertainty.  or according to the flexible Agile methodology Launching into sales At the next stage.

The product manager organizes

The public launch and sales of the new product. To do this, he deals with the following issues: Advertising. Together with marketers, plans an advertising russia phone number library campaign, selects promotion channels and creative formats. Sales. Works with sales managers and partnership development specialists, consults and trains them, sets plans. Feedback. Studies the first customer reviews and, if necessary, sends the product back for revision.

Product development and support

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The fifth stage can last forever, because the product manager is constantly working on improving the product and its development, namely: Evaluates financial indicators. Checks whether sales are going according to plan or not. In addition to sales levels, he also analyzes other metrics: profitability, audience size, etc. Deals with pricing.

Develops a system of pricing and assortment policy

Oversees promotion. Together with the advertising and google’s recommendations regarding events PR department, tests different approaches to product promotion and selects the best ones. Studies reviews. They can be given by clients and sales department employees. Conducts research. Additional research on the finished product helps to better understand the user experience and identify weaknesses of the product or service. Monitors changes in the market.

The product manager “keeps his finger on the pulse

The market situation – monitors the actions of competitors and cg leads changes in consumer preferences. Develops the product team. Continuous training of employees makes the team more competitive. In other words, a product manager is responsible for the development of a product and its success in the market. He does everything necessary to ensure that customers are happy, the company’s profits grow, and costs are reduced. – he or she analyzes the finished product and then re-enters the development cycle to improve it.

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