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Definition of Buyer Persona

According to HubSpot , the world’s leading Inbound Marketing platform, the definition of a buyer persona is none other than a semi-fictional representation of your ideal clients. It helps us define who the audience is that we are targeting with the aim of attracting them and converting them into clients; and above all, it helps us humanize and understand our target audience in greater detail.

Buyer Personas are essential to know our audience

If we do not segment properly and do not know the needs of our buyer personas, we can make the terrible mistake of disappointing the customer . The feeling of disappointment is generated when a customer, who has certain expectations physician database regarding a product or service, experiences dissatisfaction after its acquisition . The direct consequence of this failure to meet expectations can be unsubscribing from a service, stopping buying a product or never becoming a customer of a certain company again.


Negative buyer personas

The above might raise the question: is it also necessary to create negative buyer personas? Determine who we should NOT offer our product or service to? The answer is a resounding YES. On the one hand, our time is very celebrate cinco de mayo with these email template ideas valuable and it does not make much sense to spend it on potential clients with whom we are not going to generate engagement. On the other hand, we must not forget the economic part of our marketing strategy ; we have to stick to a budget and try to optimize the results, therefore, we must discard those potential clients that do not bring us profitability.

To conclude, it is as important to


Know the characteristics and functionalities of your product fans data or service, that is, what do you sell?, as it is to know as much as possible about who you sell it to.

The goal of this post was to clarify the importance of segmentation by creating buyer personas for your Marketing strategy, and we hope we have achieved this. For more information about your Marketing strategy, read this blog post. If you still have questions about this, do not hesitate to contact us .

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