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Creative Writing: How to Create an Engaging Story

If I find you among these pages, it means that you too, like me, are passionate about creative writing and are interested in learning how to write an engaging story that captures the attention of readers. Always prescribing that there are no miracle recipes, with this article I suggest some key elements of creative writing: advice that I believe can be useful whatsapp marketing service to you in writing compelling and unforgettable stories. 

Get ready to take notes, let’s get started!

Idea conception and development

The first stage of creating an engaging story is ideation . Start by asking yourself: what is the message I want to communicate or the theme I want to explore? What emotions do I want to evoke in the reader?
Don’t rush or frenzy. In this stage, give yourself all the time you need to think and develop an idea that you are passionate about and that really excites you.

If you are the first one who is not convinced, how can the reader be?

Character Creation

Characters are the beating heart what the company should do of your story. To make them memorable and three-dimensional, it is essential to work on their characterization . Each character should have a well-defined personality , with strengths and weaknesses, desires and fears. Also, remember to make your characters evolve throughout the story , making them grow and change based on the experiences they live.

They are your “secret” weapon. If you think about it, the great stories that we fell in love with and that moved us the most were able to make an impact thailand data on us precisely because of their characters. Often the plot takes a back seat.

Don’t forget: we are just people talking to people . So people must always be at the center. It sounds like a play on words, but it’s the truth!

Narrative structure

It’s okay that the plot can take a back seat to the emotions that the characters convey to us, but nothing can be improvised. Not even when it comes to creative writing

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