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Content Gap Analysis (CGA) – Where is there room for improvement on the site?

Most of us know it well… you work hard on content marketing to push your business forward, but at some point you get stuck. You lose inspiration and your growth stops.

Time to do some content analysis and get back in the game.

In this article, I’ll explain how to do a Content Gap Analysis (CGA) to find out how your content is doing, what could be improved, and what’s lacking compared to your competition.

The content needs to be analyzed every quarter. It will keep you on your toes and help you to constantly improve and spread it, exactly in line with the idea of ​​continuous optimization.

Step 1: Find out how your content is doing
First, make a list of all your content ( you can do this automatically with a tool like ContentKing ). Then copy all the URLs into the table and add for each page:

Goals you want to achieve

Target audience
Keywords you want to use
Your level of satisfaction with:
By organic traffic and conversion rate (over the last 12 months)
By traffic and conversions from social networks (over the last 12 months)
The analytics tools you use should provide you with traffic and conversion data. Use a scale from 1 to 5 to indicate your level of satisfaction – 1 means “very bad”, 5 means “very good”.

Step 2: View content flaws
In the first step, you found out the current state of your content. Now you need to see if the content is achieving the desired results. But for that you have to define these results first . Based on this, you can then detect deficiencies and work on their correction.

Complete the CGA table

For each web page in the table , fill in how it should perform in terms of organic traffic, social traffic, and usability. As in the first step, use a rating scale from 1 to 5.

Using a simple formula, you get the difference between the current results and the results you actually want to achieve .

This column is set to color each cell:

Green if the page is currently achieving the desired results. So it’s ideal and it needs to be maintained.
Orange if the current results are not quite optimal. Minor adjustments are usually sufficient here.
In red , if the current results are israel phone number data significantly worse than the ones you want to achieve. This site needs a lot of work.

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Set specific tasks for yourself
You should now have a clear idea the depth of interaction with of ​​what to focus on. Based on the gap chart, set specific tasks to improve the content.

External factors can also significantly influence the success of your content . These factors are backlinks when bz lists it comes to SEO and content sharing when it comes to social media.

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