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Career guidance test from Yandex.Practicum and Moscow State University

The authors of the test are methodologists from Yandex Praktikum and Moscow State University. The team teamed up with the Testing and Development Center “Humanitarian Technologies” to create the most accurate, scientifically sound test possible. The testing was developed by certified specialists in the field of education, it consists of two parts in which you will have to answer questions from different areas of life.

The purpose of testing is to analyze your answers and, based on them, select a profession that will suit your experience, temperament, and preferences. You will receive a detailed analysis of the answers: how and what you like to work with, what areas and what type of activity may suit you.

Determination of professional inclinations

Determination of professional inclinations by L. Jovaishi is a well-known career guidance test, distinguished by its ease of completion and reliable results. Suitable for schoolchildren, school graduates, applicants and even adults. Explores 6 inclinations to various areas of professional activity, taking into account the degree of their expression. Will take 5-10 minutes.

The service offers to take a test, which consists of several blocks of questions. The questions are aimed at identifying the interests, preferences, knowledge denmark whatsapp number data and skills of the user. As a result of the testing, the user receives information about their strengths, areas where they need to develop. As well as recommendations for choosing a profession or direction of study.

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The service provides tools for self-diagnosis and career planning, which can be useful for both schoolchildren

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After completing the test, users receive results in the form of a list of professions that the ease of creating reusable may be of interest to them. As well as recommendations for choosing. A specialty and training. The purpose of the page is to bw lists help users decide on a choice of profession and direct them. On the path to successful career development. The career guidance test will reveal your strengths and help you understand which areas are right for you.

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