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You need to check how this affects the entire interface

Then the team identified 5 key points that affect the final result : 1. Established depth rules All elements in the application have their own level, the so-called “depth”. The depth effect allows you to give the interface realism and focus the user’s attention on certain elements. In light mode, shadows are used for this.

When creating a dark theme

It is more difficult to achieve a sense of depth. To implement namibia phone number library depth in a dark theme, you need to adjust the colors. The darker the interface element, the more distant it will seem. By choosing the right shades, the dark theme manages to convey a system of elevation levels. This makes the interface easier for users to perceive.

The rule works equally for applications

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Websites, and email. 2. Reduced the contrast between black and white colors Users may find it difficult to read solid text if bright white letters are placed on gdpr legislation: advice for businesses a black background. This solution looks too contrasting, creating additional stress for the reader. Therefore, designers reduced the contrast of the background and text to reduce eye strain for users. For many, a dark theme seems like a simple solution: make white letters on a dark background, and you’re done. But it’s not that simple.

Reduced the brightness of some elements

For example, there is a green button in the messenger. If you use ws data the same color as in the light theme, in the dark mode this shade of green will seem too bright. Because of this, people’s eyes may get tired more. Therefore, for some elements, we used calmer shades. To do this, we changed the settings in the HSL parameter: brightness L (Lightness). For example, for one of the buttons, we made it 6 values ​​lower. Here’s what we got: Changed the settings, decreased the value of L (Lightness). The image shows the button for light and dark themes.

The main rule: when changing

The color parameters of one element, For example, so that when changing the shade of a button, the dialog box does not look worse. This is also important to consider when developing websites. 4. Selected the basic colors To create a dark theme with a “clean” interface, you need to understand how the shades of all the elements work together. For example, placeholders have only one color, and dividers have 3. You need to understand how these elements look in different combinations.

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