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Account Based Marketing: why use this strategy for your company?

Are you familiar with Account Based Marketing (ABM)? ABM is a marketing strategy that aims to identify potential customers and work on them to attract them to your services. In other words, Account Based Marketing is a combination of techniques that companies use to win over customers.

To be successful, ABM is used in parallel with Inbound Marketing, which is the first step in finding leads.


And what is the advantage of applying ABM in your company?

The answer is simple, if you are thinking about increasing your sales, you need to think about the entire sales cycle and, with personalized account-based marketing content, your company will have more accurate results.


Find out what account based marketing can do for your company

In this strategic ABM model, the sales team ends up interacting with the marketing team to boost the company’s results. According to experts, this strategy is more advantageous for companies that sell complex products and services, where the average ticket is usually higher. By applying ABM, you can ensure that you are prospecting the ideal customer profile.


Account Based Marketing: why use this strategy for your company


See below four of the main advantages of applying Account Based Marketing in your company:


Return on investment

Using ABM techniques you can have up to 2x the return on investment of the campaign compared to other b2b marketing actions.


Avoids waste of resources

With the marketing campaign segmented to the ideal customer profile, resources and efforts will be more centralized and optimized. This way, wasted money and time will be reduced, and who doesn’t want to spend less?


Personalized service

Account Based Marketing, also known sweden phone number data as account-based marketing, has as its main characteristic the personalization of the service. By focusing on the ideal customer, they will feel more attracted to the content and the chances of purchase increase.

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Easier sales process

If you know your customer your parameter collection allows well, you know what they need. With ABM, the sales team can work on marketing and sales together and increase the chances of success.


Made Marketing works with bw lists qualified professionals who can help you implement ABM strategies in your company. If you want to know a little more about this successful model, talk to one of our experts !

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