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What is a human resources inventory and how to do it?

Understanding what a human resource inventory is can make the difference between effective and poor talent management.

Although it is important to have a job inventory to identify and manage talent well, it is not always recognized as such. Companies often neglect to control it and create an inefficient system that cannot take advantage of human potential.

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What is a human resources inventory?

Human resource inventory is a record that allows organizations to collect and retain a large amount of data from their employees, in order to obtain a clear and accurate understanding of their human capital.

The document presents the skills and other relevant data to optimize talent management and ensure its proper distribution.

What is the function of human resources inventory?

Although the primary function of this type of inventory is to provide information to the Human us phone number list Resources department, its functionalities go much further. Some of them are:

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  • Identification of key factors: Identify the strengths, weaknesses and development needs of each collaborator.

  • Potential Assessment: Assessing the real potential of each employee in order to provide them with an appropriate environment in which they can make the most of it.

  • Human resources planning : Plan, according to their qualities, what tasks and responsibilities will be assigned to each collaborator and in what period of time they will be executed.

The benefits of an HR inventory

Of course, this practice brings with it a huge amount of benefits, such as:

  • Develop talent recruitment, selection and retention strategies based on data and the life cycle of previous employees.

  • Get a rough idea of ​​who will remain in their positions at your company and how long they tracking leads that contact you via chatbot. will do so, or who, on the contrary, will cut their employment relationship with the company earlier than usual.

  • Increase staff satisfaction by assigning tasks more suited to their studies, abilities and strengths.

  • Recognize who is eligible for a salary increase or a higher-ranking position.

  • Detect the training needs of human resources .

Common mistakes when creating an HR inventory

Now that we know what a human resources inventory is and how it works, it is time to learn about the most common errors that occur during its preparation.

1. Little information

Ignoring the information needed to cover all elements of the human resources inventory, such as personal and family information, health data, work experience, among others, can greatly diminish all the benefits of this tool.

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