take into account the two principles

Analyze the level of keyword competition : Use keyword tools to analyze the search volume and competition level of each keyword, and observe your competitors’ keyword layout strategies.
Step 3: Write article content
Article content is the core of SEO, and it must of ” meeting marketing goals ” and ” providing readers with valuable content “.

You can refer to the following tips when writing:

Use the “pyramid writing method” : put the most important information at the beginning of the article, such as conclusions, key summaries, etc., so that readers can quickly grasp the essence of the article.
The text is concise and easy to understand : avoid using overly technical terms or difficult vocabulary so that readers can easily understand the content of the article.

Make good use of charts and lists

Presenting information through charts, lists, etc. can improve.  The readability of the article and make it easier for search engines to understand the article structure.
The length of the article must be at least 1,000 words : Google algorithm prefers.  Long articles with rich content and complete information, but do not write just to meet the word count. The originality of the content and the accuracy of the information are more important.
Add internal links and external links to the text : Appropriately.  Adding internal links can guide readers to browse other relat content on the website. Which can improve website stay time and user experience.  While adding external links from high-authority.  Websites can help improve website trust and weight.
Step 4: Set SEO article structure and tags
Setting the correct SEO article structure and tags allows  bc data europe the Google algorithm to quickly understand the article content and improve article ranking and exposure opportunities.
Setting highlights include:
Set HTML tags (H tags) : Use tags such as,, and so on to distinguish the title, subtitle, and subtitle in the article, making the article structure clearer and easier to understand.

Special data

Write Meta Title and Meta Description

Meta Title is the title display on the search results page. It must briefly and concisely describe the topic of the article and include the main keywords. It is recommend  how to sell online? that the number of words be controll within 25-30 Chinese characters.
Meta Description is a brief description of the article, us to attract users to click. It is recommend to include main keywords and extend keywords, and the  uk data  number of words should be controll within 75-100 Chinese characters.
Add Alt alternative text to images : Google’s algorithm cannot identify image content, so it is necessary to add Alt alternative text to each image so that Google can understand the relevance of the image content and the article and improve image search rankings.
Step 5: Strive for peripheral exposure opportunities

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