Christian Renella
Christian Renella
Director and Co-Founder of el MejorTrato. Entrepreneur interested in artificial intelligence systems.
Wrote 3 posts
Increase your sales with Doppler
Did you know that with Email Marketing you can reach more customers, integrate your phone number library messages with social networks and measure their impact in minutes?
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As we will discuss in this post
when designing an Email Marketing Campaign for a business, you must take into account the five tips that we will give you. Discover them!
When it comes to Email Marketing for startups or projects that are just starting out, copying the way usa data -known companies work will not allow you to achieve the expected and desired results. You will have to design your own process from start to finish.
Over the past six years of online entrepreneurship, we have learned through embracing change in the art of expression trial and error each of the following lessons that we share in this article.
As simple as it may seem, the first big mistake that people tend to make is the following: thinking that, because we work all day, once we contact our potential clients they will know what we do . Nothing could be further from the truth.
Let’s face it, when we start a business , who really knows our work? Maybe our closest friends and family, but the rest of the people have probably never even heard of us even once in their entire lives. To solve this, the first thing we will do in each Email Marketing piece is to communicate our work in a single line of text .
For example, if our service is a smartphone app that allows you to find the cheapest hotel deals, we should express this objective in the first email : “Free app that finds the cheapest hotel.”