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6 principles from psychology that will increase your sales

Did you know that 85% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase? That 77% of people like to receive exclusive offers that are limited in time or in quantity? Psychology is a powerful witch. Hiring her for the services of your e-shop is worthwhile. Get to know the basic principles of shopping psychology.

The article was taken with the permission of Karsa monitor, the original article can be found on the Karsa monitor blog .

Today, consumers are surrounded

by such a wide range of products that they often don’t even know what to choose. I’m not even surprised at them. They decide between brands, different types of goods, quality, price…

It is in these colorful times that it is important to pay attention to the “psychology of shopping” when building an e-shop.

Reason versus emotion
We have already touched on the topic of psychology working for e-shoppers in the articles on price anchoring and discounts . But psychology permeates all of marketing, which is why you should emphasize it on a broader scale.

Consumer behavior is determined by psychological processes that influence the behavior of each shopper . This means that when thinking about how to influence a customer, you should not only think rationally, but also emotionally.

Professor of psychology Dan Ariely proved this in more than one of his experiments: Imagine that you have to decide between a high-quality praline for 15 cents or a completely ordinary candy for 1 cent. 73% of people choose a praline.

All you have to do is change the price of the praline to 14 pennies and offer the candy for free. Although the difference is still the same 14 pennies, it changes the result quite fundamentally. A usa phone number data whopping 69% of us reach for a simple free candy all at once. Zero isn’t just “some” price, it’s a source of irrational excitement that can completely change our decision making.

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A blow to the decision-making process

When shopping, the customer is what to put on a resume unknowingly a witness to his own decision-making process. During it, various thoughts about the need, necessity or desire for the product run through the shopper’s head. This is when the psychology of purchase bz lists can creep into the consumer’s head and help redirect them to your merchandise.

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