Home » 4 tips for working with Facebook

4 tips for working with Facebook

We have already talked about what social networks are , why you should pay attention to them and when it is better not to use them . We then imagined the three most famous networks , of which we are now focusing on Facebook. In today’s article, we will introduce four tips on how to work with Facebook – what works and what doesn’t work.

1. Schedule your posts “around the clock”

Schedule your posts before or after the class starts . If you are trying to target businessmen (marketers, managers, etc.), this will be especially useful. This is to get the attention of people who check their social media before or immediately after the meeting.

The meeting takes place from 13:00 to 14:00. It ends uk whatsapp number data  a little earlier, for example at 13:57. Those who attended will check their social networks on the way to their office. If the meeting drags on, they’ll look at social media at, say, 2:03 p.m.

whatsapp data



2. Like your fans
Track who shares your content. If it’s a business profile, please like it. This way you will find those who are interested in your posts and show them your gratitude .

3. Put your full address in the information
If you have a store, this tip can help you improve engagement with your fans. If you write your full address in the settings, your fans and visitors will be able to  check in on  how to become a product manager as a rule Facebook and show that they have visited you.

4. Be aware of the purpose of your post
Do you want fans to share, comment, like or just click on your post? Facebook’s algorithm assigns  different weights to these different actions . The more weight a po loan data st has, the higher the score it will be assigned and the higher it will appear in the ranking, which will then be reflected in its chances of being displayed in the News Feed, see the following clear  image . And that’s exactly what you want.

It is clear that…

Some posts get a lot of shares , but don’t get as many likes (in terms of ratio). People can theoretically like such posts, but they forget after sharing them.
Some posts get a lot of likes , but not that many shares.
Some posts are high converting – they get more comments than others.
Some posts you create for the purpose of clicking on the link you put in them. However, these posts may receive fewer likes, shares and comments (than the three cases mentioned above).

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