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10 ideas for writing posts when you can’t think of anything

Melissa Ruppel
Melissa Ruppel
Account Manager at @fromdoppler. She loves practicing Yoga and is a big fan of bike rides.

Wrote 12 posts


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10 post ideas

The beginning of the year means putting together your editorial calendar and defining the topics you will later address on your Blog. If you have run out of ideas , don’t worry! In this post we will help you.

Writing regularly can lead you to repeat topics and sometimes your inspiration can fade. But if there’s one thing you can be sure of, it’s that you always have to publish frequently because your readers are waiting for it.

Before we discuss alternatives for writing articles

A , we recommend that you analyze your most successful posts from 2015. With that as a basis, it will be easier for you to understand your readers’ preferences and, therefore, choose the topics that can be more viral.

We all go blank and need certain triggers . Below, we present 10 topics that will be of great help to you in those moments when ideas do not appear. Pay attention!

#1: Educational or tutorials
Most people searching online are looking for something specific. Help them find what they want to know! You can create articles about how to do something specific or how to use a certain tool or product .

A good way to present this type of article is to do a step-by-step guide and even accompany it with a video  cmo email list  that illustrates what you explain to make it clearer. Would you like to see an example? Check out our tutorial on how to create Facebook Ads .

#2: Interviews
You can write an article based on an interview that you found interesting and  from the moment you walk through the door highlight the most relevant points of the topic discussed. It is always advisable to include at the end of the post the video (in the case of meetings recorded in this format) that inspired you, for those people who want to see it in full.

Another option is to interview a reference regarding a topic that is interesting for your readers. In this case, you can record it on video and upload it along with a summary of the topic. That is what we have done at Doppler Interviews .



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